Yes probably, just follow GM diet as it will give you perfect direction of what to eat and what not.I personally loose 5 kg in 1 week doing general motors diet.
You're a vegetarian, you'll lose weight and probably feel pretty good.
No, since its a superfruit, it will help you lose weight. As long as you also eat other fruits AND veggies, the pomegranate is just another fruit that will cleanse and provide energy to the body.
Fruit is healthy on some things and Veggies are healthy on other nutrition, like fruit has plenty of vitamin C, and veggies has plenty of oxygen, so they aren't healthier they just have different nutrition benefits :)
it makes them fatter. just eat fruit and veggies
Every attempt at losing weight has to start with eating less calories than you're using. Even fruits and veggies have calories, and if you get too many of those you won't lose weight regardless. Besides, only fruits and vegs are unlikely to give you all the nutrients you need, which in the longer run can make you sick. You're better off sticking with a more planned diet(like weightwatchers) instead of improvising like that.
You will NOT lose weight just by eating an orange everyday. You need to eat right, exercise and drink plenty of water. But oranges are a good healthy fruit=]
Bats are in a separate order from primates. Bats are divided into fruit eating and insect eating bats. Therefore, fruit bats are just bats, not primates.
Well, the difference is that: children eat less, they need to gain the wait. Always need to have fruit! Never forget fruit! Adults, they need less calories. They also need fruit. Not much veggies. My opinion is that I hate veggies. Fruit all the way. But just follow that and you'll be good to go.
um no not the best thing to give them but they can have veggies and fruit just not all kinds
It really deepens on what you eat.. Something healthy like an apple , fruit or a sand witch should be good. Just watch your calories.
Eating raspberries is good but in order to lose weight just by eating one kind of fruit. Fruits contain peptide and pectin, while vegetables contain fiber.