no one did it was without warning
It happens quite often. It is called the vanishing twin syndrom
Last year I was pregnant for twins but didn't even know it until I miscarry one that was hiding the other twin.. I was 11 weeks when I lost the twin.. We could tell from about 6 weeks that the one up front wasn't growing and knew I'd lose it. But didn't expect the other twin to be there when they checked me out with a ultrasound. I didn't have any bleeding or cramping until the miscarriage happened... Then I still didn't cramp and only spotted for a few days but then it stopped and that's when we found out about the other baby... Now my son is 3 months old, happy and healthy!
Sometimes if one has bleeding ulcers!
One of a Twin was created in 2009.
one engine running at reduced speed, and controlling the vessel with the other engine
None of them have a twin :)
Yes. A missed miscarriage is one example of this happening
The other twin is unlikely to survive.
Eat Mc Donald and sleep!