It seems like you cannot wake up the phone when the phone is on sleep mode.
you go to ipod menu then settings then into General then Passcode Lock
A jailbreak on an iPod Touch is when a person has 'jailbroken' their iPod Touch so they can customize the lock screen slider and make chimes when they unlock their iPod Touch. It also allows the person to put apps in folders, and download something that allows you to get all apps for free (which is illegal).
it depends where you go to get it unlocked maybe talk to an apple person in a shop
To unlock your iPod touch from the lock mode after it goes to sleep, simply hit the home button, and then slide over the lock slide to the right to unlock it.
if you are referring to an iPod touch, and you have forgotten the passcode, if you plug it into your computer, you must restore the ipod using itunes to remove the lock. the lock was meant to protect your data from theft, so it can not be circumnavigated without a restoration. if your problem lies with an ipod with a click wheel, by simply plugging it into itunes, it should reset the lock screen.
well, then dont get an ipod
To lock your ipod so only people who know your pass code can get in to it.
You have to input the combination that you had set to activate it. It's like a password. You just but it in and you can unlock the screen lock.
You can call the phone, and during the call, press the home button and cisable the password lock in the settings.
settings- general - password lock
You can add a password lock. You must answer the password (type in the 4 digit password) then unlock. if you jailbreak it will make it look different like it will say your name where you must slide.