The amount of illegal drugs there are it would take far to long.Look it up in the Laws & statutes regarding controlled drugs...
All, I repeat, ALL illegal drugs can be detected in your bloodstream.
There are literally hundreds. You can look them up on the DEA Schedule I of the controlled substances list.
No. Nobody should be making illegal drugs at all. Illegal drugs are made to destroy humans inside their body and that is very dangerous. Illegal drugs should not be made at all, they should be thrown away or be destroyed.
Yes, all club drugs like Ecstasy and Speed are illegal.
no, not at all! Illegal drugs are bad for your health and very dangerous.
Look up "Schedule I controlled substances". That list contains all drugs that are illegal and also (according to the federal government at least) have no medical value. If you have any other controlled substance in your possession when you are not prescribed it, that is also illegal.
none of the druds are illegal go ahead and use them drink and drive see what happens to u!!! NO! a list of illegal drugs are below and here they are cocaine, weed, ect.
There is a large export of illeagal drugs from cuba. Along with tabacco, mrijuana, cocaine and heroin are all exported. To find out the statistics check the CIA website. there is a list of all countries statistics.