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After the Clinton ban went into effect, any semi auto shotgun with a fixed magazine capacity of more than five rounds was classified as an NFA destructive device. If yours is not legally NFA licensed as such, you're in violation, big time. The only way to legally sell it would be through an NFA dealer.

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Can a colt AR-15 PreBan legally be made full auto?

Within a very limited set of circumstances, yes.

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What is the value of preban Colt AR-15?

Anywhere from 1200-1700 dollars generally.

What is the date of manufacture for a colt AR15 SP1 serial number SP48647?

It's a 1975 preban model

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if yu can find one in good shape,or even fair shape for under a thousand dollars or right at you would be a fool not to purchase.... these are preban so whats in the u.s is all that will come...dont confuse the ones made in the u.c,philidelpia arms or something

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I bought one for $1100 in as new condition. Correction, preban.

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Alloy SAR-8: $800 Post ban Greek: $900 to $1200 Preban SAR-8: $1200-$1500 SAR-3: $1500-$1800

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As of 11/18/08 and considering the panic buying in progress at this time, the value will be approximately $1000.00 to $1100.00 for the non folder.

Can a colt AR 15 PreBan legally be made full auto?

It is possible, even for a postban receiver, under a specific set of circumstances. You would need to obtain an NFA Class III tax stamp to purchase a registered trigger group, sear, or lightning link, and the person actually doing the conversion would have to hold a Type 7 FFL with a Class III Special Occupational Tax stamp (as well as a CNC milling machine, as the parts do not simply drop in).

How do you register Sperm Whale teeth?

They could be registered for a few years in the early 1970's but not very many were. Interest in registering teeth fell off and they stopped registering them. They can no longer be registered. Unregistered teeth can only be sold in state they are located in, intrastate. New laws coming will make it illegal to sell them at all unless you can document them as preban.

What does a tec 9 cost new?

The maker Intratec went out of business in 2001. So there are no new Tec-9's. But one that has never been used is worth about $300. There are two different looking model. The preban one was popular for it's distinct look and cameos in movies and news clips. The last model was a little smaller but was basically the same gun with different barrel.