some popular brand weapons can be looked up for date of manufacture using the brand name, model and serial number. Such weapons, 45 cal. military pistols, M1 garands, springfield rifles...................................
Serial number look up.
You go to a serial number table for that particular model and look it up.
Call Browning or check the serial number on their website if it is up.
Ruger's website has a serial number look up function you can use.
You can look up serial numbers at
You can look up the serial number at
Depends on the serial number... Look up Winchester serial numbers..
You can find the age of a Zeiss lens by the serial number by sending an email to the Carl Zeiss customer service team. By providing them with the serial number, they can look up the exact month and year of manufacture.
Records I have only go up to 1978 with serial number starting at CLW0032800. 1982
Ruger's website has extensive serial number data for all to look up. has sn tables you can look it up on.
Need serial number to answer or go to to look up.