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In certain situations, the use of lethal force may be authorised. If there is an imminent threat of death, rape, or maiming injury, and you are unable to retreat from the situation, it's typically permitted.

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Q: Can you kill someone with a gun if you are attacked?
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How hard is it to kill someone?

It is really easy to kill someone just shoot them in the head with a gun and then rape them.

Can a gun kill someone if it is thrown?

Not likely, but it could. You could kill someone by throwing a rock at them. Worked for Goliath.

Can you shoot to kill someone on your property that is carrying a gun or bow?


What is the penal code section for shooting someone with a paintball gun?

if its outside of a game it can be taken as assault, same as if you attacked someone with a baseball bat

Who said Guns may not kill people but the gun helps?


Can shooting a cigarette bud out of a gun kill someone?

Anything is possible.

How can an unloaded gun kill you?

Someone could hit you in the head with it i guess.

Can a non loaded gun kill?

It could be used as a blunt object, or it might fall or be dropped from enough of a height it could kill someone by hitting them, but an unloaded gun won't kill someone by shooting them. All the same, you ALWAYS treat a gun as if it's loaded and keep it pointed in a safe direction.

How do you eat a gun?

This is a term used when someone commits suicide by putting a gun barrel into their mouth to kill themselves.

Is it legal to kill someone who is out to get me?

No, you cant shoot someone if they attack you only if the way you defend yourself is equal to the power that someone attacked you then it is ok when the attaker dies becasue of your defence.

Canu kill someone with a piece of paper?

yes, but only if the paper is a gun

How do you kill someone called harriet Parker?

you use a gun, because she is annoying :)