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It depends on the severity of the offense and the possible consequence of prosecution. Be sure you notify the recruiter of the problem and he/she will look into it.

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Q: Can you join military with pending charges?
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Can you join the military if you have charges?

It depends on the type and severity of the charges. Some criminal charges may disqualify you from joining the military, while others may be waiverable. It's best to consult with a military recruiter for specific guidance based on your individual circumstances.

What happens if a criminal defendant dies with charges pending?

No defendant no charges. It is done.

What are pending charges?

Criminal charges with which the defendant has not yetbeen formally charged.Added:I would read pending criminal charges to mean a criminal charge that has been formally charged, however there has been no resolution in the case yet. In other words, there is a formal accusation, but no conviction or acquittal.

Can you go to the army if you have felony charges pending?

While it is possible to be waivered in under some circumstances, it's a highly unlikely thing to happen.

Can you join the army with a domestic assault misdemeanor charge?

A charge, or an actual conviction? If you have a past charge for which you were found not guilty, yes. If the charge is pending, or if you've actually been convicted, then no. Why? Well, in the case of a pending charge, you simply can't enlist with pending criminal charges. In the case of a conviction, what do you handle in the military? Firearms. And what, under federal law, are you not permitted to purchase, possess, or be granted access to with a felony conviction or with a domestic violence conviction, whether it be a misdemeanor or felony? Firearms.

Staying the charges pending?

What, more precisely, is being asked please?

can you join any branch of the military if you have been arrested for domestic assault but the charges have been dropped an d expunged?

Yes because the records are clean

Can you join the army if you have a civil warrant? brother wanted to join and he has warrants and they told him no..

Do felony pending charges show up on background checks?

yes a friend of mine got fired for two pending felonies on his background.

Is it legal to posses a firearm when cocaine charges are pending but no trial has taken place?


How long can charges be pending?

Charges can be pending indefinitely. Usually though a court date or hearing is set within a few weeks to a month depending on the charge.