The answer is yes... Limera1n is a great untethered jailbreak! You have to follow all the steps. One of which is that you have to put your device into Recovery Mode. Don't be afraid to do this; your device will be PERFECTLY fine! I can't stress that enough. Anyway your device will turn on after the project. If you followed the process right then your device will have everything that you had on it before. (For Example: all your applications, music, etc. should still be there). There will also be Cydia. Cydia is your app that is your search engine of themes, sliders, apps, packages, games, etc. It is truly amazing! TIPS: 1) If you don't know how to put it in recovery it shows you how to 2) if u have any questions email me at if you have any questions (I am so into this stuff and jailbroke my iPod, iPad, and iPhone around 30 times each)
that's right
you wont have to, because once you jailbreak it you can download a program called dTunes that lets you download free music, videos and torrents. but Yes i pritty shore that iTunes still works with a jaibreak iPod, unless your ssh ing or VNC
if u want to download apps from places other than itunes then u will first have to jailbreak your ipod, install cydia, then through cydia get installous, which lets you download cracked apps straight to ur ipod, or you could torrent the apps but either way you would have to jailbreak your ipod which will void the warrenty
the only way to get linkin park revenge for free is to jailbreak your ipod/iphone but if you have to go that far your not treally a fan...
Well If you Jailbreak it you can get a app that's called ''Youtube crack'' once you installed go to your youtube app on the ipod and search and download.
It is safe except it is tethered jailbreak which means if you try to reboot your device or the battery dies you will have to plug it into your computer and use RedsnOw to be rebooted. Go to YouTube and look up redsnOw 4.3.5 jailbreak which will show you how to do it.
You need to use the program RedSnOw to jailbreak an iPhone 5.
You need to use the program RedSnOw to jailbreak an iPhone 5.
yes it is you can use redsnow to do it
Yes. Download the newest version of Redsnow.
For 3.1.3 i recommend going to redsnow and downloading the latest version. then go and find a download for 3.1.3 firmware and follow the instructions on redsnow
i am guessing you are trying to jailbreak your device. it can all depend upon each device but it shouldn't take to long. My suggestion, if possible don't jailbreak with redsnow, try jailbreaking with greenpois0n or limera1n. hope this helps :)
Using redsnow because does not work
With the release of new version of IOS 6 beta 2 released by Apple late yesterday the Dev Team has been set to work to make available the new version of RedSnow for running the jailbreak on this new firmware for developers .
redsnow which you will need to jailbreak its the easiest way to do it and its free
if it the latest version that apple has, then it wont jailbreak because apple puts out patches with their updates so you wont be able to "jailbreak" it! but if you wait and do not update the ipod in a while, then the jailbreak crew will make a new jailbreak for it! Or... You can you a tethered jailbreak like Redsnow or Red mond pie but it is very complicated!
There is no exact date when will be release,but we are still working on it ,however there is a tethered version using REDSNOW .