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Can you have your period without you ovaries?

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Q: Can you have a period without ovaries?
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Can a women have her period without ovaries?

i dont have any ovaries and i cannot have a period 'naturally', so i am on 2mg estrogen tablets daily to 'artifically' have periods.

Do women without ovaries still get their period?

Women without ovaries can still get their period. Estrogen is triggered by the pituitary gland. It may still signal the build up and shedding of the uterine lining.

What happens to the lining of your ovaries when you miss your period for several months?

Ovaries don't have linings.

Can ovulation occur without ovaries?


Can you have a menstrual cycle without ovaries?


If you have polycystic ovaries can you miss a period if you conceived just before it's due?

All women will miss a period if they conceive just before the period is due. That phenomenon is not specific to women with polycystic ovaries.

What does the ovaries produce?

the ovaries produce the egg that will floe down the fallopian tube to be fertilised or if not go into your uterus and you have your period.

Does removal of all your ovaries stop your period?

Actually removal of all your ovaries does stop the period. Without any eggs present, there's no reason for the uterine lining to shed since it is caused by the eggs not being fertilized in time. No eggs in the first place, no need to shed the egg + uterine lining later.

What can you take when your ovaries hurt?

Just take a tylenol. I went to my doctor for this and she just said your ovaries hurt because of your period.

Can you still have a menstrual period after the surgical removal of both ovaries?


How do you kill your ovaries without surgery?

With fire!

Can a can a 13 year old boy have a period?

Nope no ovaries or uterus, if you have a penis. No period for boys