

Best Answer
Answer:Yes, you can have irregular bleeding while on the BCP - usually this will happen in the first three months of using oral contraception or if your doctor changes the dose in your pills - but occasionally you may have break through bleeding for no obvious reason.

You should always feel free to contact your health care provider for any concerns you have - they can also reassure you that what you are experiencing is perfectly normal or if it is something that needs a follow up visit.

Answer :

No you can not when on Birth Control your period should not be on, you should go to the doctor that provided the prescription to you.

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Q: Can you have a month long period when on birth control?
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Your doctor put you on birth control pills so you can have a period how long will it take to have a period?

It should take about a month. Birth control pills are hormones; they make sure a specific amount of the proper hormone is in your blood each day. When your hormonal cycle has gone through a cycle, your period occurs.

After starting birth control how long does your first period last?

It depends on the type of birth control. Sometimes after starting it, it could be longer than normal, and sometimes it will disappear the first month. Sometimes it will be normal, and sometimes is will be shorter.

How long does it take for your body to be used to birth control pill?

It takes one month for birth control to work effectively in your body & one month before you can have unprotected intercourse.

How long does it take for your body to become used to birth control?

One month.

Can birth control make your period really long?

Not usually. They make then lighter and not as long.

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Antibiotics can interfere with the effectiveness of birth control for up to one month after finishing the antibiotic treatment.

How long do the birth control shot stay in you after you get off it?

For a month and maybe a few days.

How long do you get your period for after you take birth control?

When you take birth control pills, you will have your period arriving during the 7 days break. During this time your period may last between 2-7 days.

How long should you wait in between changing birth control pills?

Generally birth control pills take a month to go into affect, so you should wait at least a month after switching pills.

What happens when you stay on your period too long?

Get checked for anemia or get put on birth control

How long after you stop taking birth control should you get your period?

In the next ten days.

Ive been on the birth control pill for about a month now how long should your period be normally lasting for?

For the seven days you supposed to take the sugar pills. Sometimes maybe a day or two after.