NO- not unless you are already having a miscarriage. Your cervix is what holds the baby in and coughing is not going to affect this. If bleeding occured after a cough- it's only because your baby miscarried and it sped up what what already going to happen
yes. i have had a miscarriage and my stomach has stayed hard.
You need to specify what it is you do too hard.
No but you should get help for it. you can't sleep very well with that.
No But Sneezing To Hard Or Coughing To Hard Can BUst The Vessels
no, unless you got hit by chuck norris.
This depends on how hard you fall. A miscarriage can happen anytime during the pregnancy but the most dangerous time is during the first 3 months.
coughing, hard time breathing , allergies, sore throat
depends how hard you hit your left side
The reason that you are coughing out blood when you cough hard is because when you cough hard, you damge the veins in your lungs which release blood, and as the blood needs to gos somewhere it goes out your mouth when you cough. I suggest not coughing so hard if you can or taking antibiotics or peniccilin to help relieve your cold.
Yes, coughing too hard can strain the muscles in your chest and abdomen, causing pain. It can also irritate the throat and airways, leading to soreness and discomfort. In some cases, excessive coughing can even result in rib fractures or exacerbate existing conditions like asthma.
when it falls (hard impact), eats something wrong, or if you just mess with her
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