You can have a miscarriage at any time but rarely sex is the reason unless you have a very sensitive pregnancy and the doctor have told you to not have sex.
you do not 'make sex' you have sexual intercoarse .
Phenylketonuria is spread by having sexual intercoarse with your mother or father , if this intercoarse continues there is a very high chance that you will need to see your doctor and they can aputate your penis of vagina. It can also be transmitted when you are born. it is caused when two copys of the same gene mutated. you one of each copy of this gene from you mother and one from you father.
to have a nook sack you need to have sexual intercoarse with someone elses girlfriend and be unmarried, then you have a nook sack
just keep fu cking her if shes hot
Don't beat yourself up except for the fact you are too young to have intercourse; you just think his brother is hot also.
Shawn Killinger is married and has talked openly about having a miscarriage, but not about her sexual orientation. It might be assumed that she is not gay.
no they just have somethin called a purity ring that means that they can't have sexual intercoarse (sex) until they are married
yed means The Sexual Intercoarse (sex) and sometimes it means You Eat Dick (srry i dun have the full details)
Sexual Intercoarse, when a man puts his sperm into a woman. Its when, between a man and a woman start to have sex. When the sperm from the man fertilize an egg that fell from one of the woman's ovaries and then the woman becomes pregnant. Which means the woman is having a baby.
for the fact of female stimulation during sexual intercoarse. plus some culture use it to have a spiritual awakening or prove their transition from boy to manhood