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Q: Can you have a baby with you uterus sideways?
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Related questions

What is it called when someone is born sideways?

A baby that is born sideways while exiting the uterus is called a transverse presentation.

Can you still have a baby when you do not have your uterus?

The baby is enclosed inside the uterus, that is where it gets it nourishment and where the egg attaches to! No uterus... NO BABY.

What is a transverse lie?

Transverse lie is when the baby is laying sideways in the uterus. Sometimes you can get them to change positions before labor starts. Sometimes your care provider can do what is called an external version where they manually scoot your baby into a better position.

Where the baby is developed?

in the uterus.

How far does the uterus have to expand for the baby to grow?

The uterus will expand until the baby is born!!!

Is it possible for a baby to come out sideways?


How do you get a baby out?

When a baby is ready to be born, the mommy starts to feel labor contractions. The uterus squeezes and pushes the baby out of the uterus and into the world.

What does it mean to have a floppy uterus?

when a skinny girl has a fat baby and when it comes out, the baby stretches out the uterus, and makes it "floppy"

Is the baby in the uterus throughout the entire duration of pregnancy?

Yes, the baby is in the uterus throughout the entire duration of pregnancy.

What area baby located?

The baby grows in the uterus.

Why is there is a bone in a women's uterus will stretch when you will born a baby?

There are no bones in the uterus.

What is uterus in a sentence?

The uterus plays a major role in the birth of a baby. This is a sentence which contains the word uterus.