ask if he's ok with it, move the fence back, etc
no it is not im guessing
A fence.
No, an invisible fence collar is specifically programmed to work with a particular invisible fence system in a specific yard. It will not work in another yard with a different system unless it is reprogrammed to match that specific system.
Yard is to fence as cell is to membrane. Just like a fence surrounds a yard and allows certain objects in and out, a membrane surrounds the cell and only allows specific nutrients inside of it.
I don't believe ther is a max height for a back yard fence. Its 6 feet though for gates and walls separating your front and back yards.
Yes they can. The only exception to this - Is if your yard has a locked or closed fence. If your yard is secured by a fence the "repo" men/women cannot legally enter your yard.
There are three feet in a yard so the answer is three yards and one foot
You have no reason for making a claim on your neighbours property firstly because you have said that his fence is 15 inches into his own yard but if you have had your fence up against his then this would mean that your fence is on his property and he can ask you to move your fence back by 15 inches as the land is his and not yours though again it would depend whos yard the fence posts are in because if your fence posts are also on his 15 inches of land then the fence is lawfully his too and not yours and the same goes for him if his fence posts are on your property then lawfully the fence is yours as the ownership of whos fence all lies down to where the fence posts are and not the actual fencing part of it. Additional information can be found on the discussion page.
Your dog wants to be with you that's why he/she is acting that way. Why don't you play in the back where your dog can play with you? That way the dog is happy, the fence is not damaged, and you get to play.
A silt fence provides temporary sediment control. Frequently a silt fence needs to be paired with a sediment trap to ensure the yard does not wash away.
form_title= Chain Link Fence form_header= Install a fence that provides safety and privacy! What is the area size of your building?* = _ Why do you want to install a chain link fence* = _ Do you want to install a gate?* () Yes () No () Not Sure What color do you want the fence?* = _