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Q: Can you go blind from home brewed beer?
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Where is rainier beer brewed?

yes it is, try bevmo if you have one in your area.they don't keep it cold at the one i go to,but its there, tucked away on the shelf.let me just say ,personally this is like the best beer ever, and i was very happy to find it.

If you age the beer does it taste better?

It really depends on the beer. For the most part, beer does not age well and should be drunk within a year or so of being brewed. There are some stronger stouts that do age well, Bell's Expedition Stout is one such beer, the flavors becoming more complex and rich with time. The standard American Lager does not gain anything by being aged, just more apt to go 'skunky.'

I don't want to go blind. Will bread yeast create Ethanol?

Yes. Special beer- or wine-making yeast are selectively bred for taste and alcohol tolerance, but I have been using ordinary baking yeast for home brewing for years, with great results.

Do blind people always go into a blind home?

Not always. I've heard of many blind people still living in their own homes, and they have seeing eye dogs to guide them and they get on perfectly fine.

How can you go instantly blind?

everything can go blind in a waycan you go blind if you stay in the darkness?yes

What type of beer would be considered suitable to drink with spicy Thai dishes?

A good choice would be Singha beer, made in Thailand. Some would even put it on their top ten list of beers of the world. In addition, any dry lager or pilsener style of beer would go well with the fresh citrus flavors found in Thai food. Another good choice would be Chang beer, also brewed in Thailand.

What does it's the bottom of the 7th inning mean in baseball?

it means we get to cut beer and go home! -Phil

When was I Go Blind created?

I Go Blind was created in 1986.

Are rodents blind?

no,but they can go blind

Where must Odysseus go to learn his way home?

He must go to the Underworld and talk to Tiresias (the blind prophet- same one from Oedipus).

When Beethoven went blind?

He did not go blind.

Can you go blind from smoking?

yes! smoking can make you go blind. How? there are over 3,000 chemical's that go into your bloodstream which could make you have poor eyesight/go blind.