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Q: Can you give blood if you are pregnant?
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I need to find out my blood type.?

Well to find out your blood type you will have to visit a doctor to give a blood sample. Doctor must also give blood tests before they can perform surgery, or donate any organs. If you are pregnant or have been pregnant it is very likely that you were given a blood test.

Can you give blood when taking roaccutane?

No. This is in case the blood is given to a pregnant woman which could cause birth defects.

How soon can a quantitative blood test indicate that you are pregnant?

A blood test can give results 7-12 days from conception.

Can use medusa's blood on a horse that is pregnant?

Yes, but it will only give the mare wings, not the foal.

Can being on birth control give you a bloodless period you still have cramps just no blood or are you pregnant?

Totally exact same thing happened to me an I was pregnant!

Can gp tell you after examanation on your stomach only that your pregnant?

No, they can give you a blood test or urine sample also

Why is giving blood while pregnant dangerous?

When you are pregnant your body creates more blood because of the added blood vessels. When your heat is already working that hard to pump that increased blood flow, it's not a good idea to give blood because then your already strained heart has to work even harder to replace the lost blood.

Can you get pregnant if your blood is a positive and his is?

Blood type is irrelevant to whether or not you can get pregnant.

What can I give my daughter She is pregnant and got low blood pressure?

Give her nothing without medical advice from her doctor or from her anti-natal health clinic.

Why cant a person with blood type O get a person with blood type A pregnant?

They can get a person with blood type A pregnant.

The health and safety of taking blood pressure of a pregnant woman?

It is safe, in fact, when you go to hospital and about to give birth, they will check your blood pressure regularly. In addional, if they give you any kind of medication nurse will check the blood pressure like every 10 mins.

Would there be prob if a negative blood gr man marries a positive blood gr woman?

If you want to have children you will have to educate yourself about the negative blood type. If you become pregnant with a child that has positive blood, you may encounter complications if not treated. There is a simple shot they will give you while pregnant and after giving birth that will prevent any problems.