Body Piercing facilities are inspected by the local health protection and inspection office and are licensed by the local city hall business licensing department. Listed in the yellow pages under heading of "Body Piercing" and or "Tattoos". All Body Piercing and Tattoo studios have age limits set by the licensing agency so age limits can vary from town to town and city to city. Prices for piercings can also vary from shop to shop as well as the requirements for parental consent. Your best bet is to call your local city hall business licensing office and ask about age requirements for your area. Then call the local studios listed and ask about shop policies and prices.
He was 13 when he got his lip pierced =]
no its not legal
depends where you live.
At least 13
with parent permission yes
On your lip...
Bill was 13 when he got his eye pierced and tom got his lip pierced also at the age of 13..bill got his tongue ring round about the age of 15
Dougie Had his Lip Pierced on his Left Hand side.
Different people's bodies react differently, but yes, your lip can swell after getting it pierced.
yes you can, but it has to be your parent! proof of ID and all.
A pierced lip, there is no meaning, just a pierced lip. Body piercing, no matter where it is, is self expression. You either pierce yourself for show, maybe it means something to you.