Pregnant woman can cut their hair but not dye or highlight their hair while pregnant because of harmful chemicals in the dye.
see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"
see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"
Because of the chemicals used when your hair is being relaxed it is highly recommended that you don't get this done when you are pregnant. Eventhough it touches your hair this is still absorbed so it is dangerous to get your hair relaxed or even dyed.
Of course. Hair is dead and getting it cut only changes your appearance.
SEE LINKsee link below"Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"see link below"Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"
According to the society of hair dyers, it's completely fine to dye your hair during pregnancy. Due to the fact that the chemicals do not soak into your body and disturb your pregnancy. If you don't feel comfortable though, just wait until your done with your pregnancy.
see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"
yes u can its not advised