

Best Answer

With a really good lawyer, lots of money and patience, it is possible.

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Q: Can you get your gun rights back if convicted of burglary and grand larceny?
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What are the crimes against property?

Malicious Destruction Theft Larceny by conversion Larceny by trick petit theft Grand Theft .

What are the different classes of a grand larceny charge?

There are only two classification of LARCENY offenses. PETIT Larceny, which a misdemeanor offense, and GRAND Larceny, which is a felony offense.

Will you go to jail for your first grand larceny charges in Virginia?

In the state of Virginia, you can go to jail for grand larceny, even if it is your first charge. A person convicted of grand larceny in Virginia, can receive a jail sentence of not less than one year and not more than 20 years.

What constitutes grand larceny in Kansas?

"Every person who shall be convicted of feloniously stealing, taking or carrying away any money, goods, rights in action or other personal property or valuable thing whatsoever of the value of fifty dollars ($50) or more, shall be deemed guilty of grand larceny." The penalties for grand larceny are found in G.S. 1949, 21-534, which provides:"Persons convicted of grand larceny shall be punished in the following cases as follows: First, for stealing any automobile or motor vehicle, by confinement at hard labor for not less than five years and not more than fifteen years; second, for stealing a horse, mare, gelding, colt, filly, neat cattle, mule or ass, by confinement at hard labor not exceeding seven years; third, in all cases of grand larceny, by confinement at hard labor not exceeding five years."

What federal laws are do they have about larceny?

larceny grand larceny larcely of private property larceny of government property

When is larceny grand vs petit in NY?

Grand Larceny is theft or larceny of over $1,000. (or in some cases over $3,000.) in MY state.

What is a sentence using the word larceny?

He was charged with grand larceny.

What is the monetary value that determines petty larceny from grand larceny in Arizona?

What is the monetary value that determines petty grand larceny from Grand Larceny in Arizona?

What is grand larceny in New Mexico?

Grand Larceny is a felony crime that involves theft over a certain dollar amount. In New Mexico a theft is considered Grand Larceny at $500.

When is larceny grand larceny in west Virginia?

According to Chapter 61, Article 3 in West Virginia Code (61-3-13); larceny becomes grand larceny when the value of the stolen property or goods equal at least $1000.00. Petit larceny is considered a misdemeanor while grand larceny is considered a Felony.

What are the release dates for Grand Larceny - 1922?

Grand Larceny - 1922 was released on: USA: 26 February 1922

If charged with a second petty larceny will you be charged with grand larceny?

The terms 'petty/petit' larceny and 'grand' larceny refer to the dollar amount of the stolen item's (check your local statutes to determine the separating point). Two petty larcenies, committed at separate times, don't "add up" to a grand larceny.