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The chances of getting pregnant during your period are unlikely but still present nonetheless. If you have shorter menstrual cycles (the time between the first day of your period and the first day of your next period) This would bring the time of ovulation closer to the time when you would start bleeding, thus increasing your chances of becoming pregnant. Sperm can survive for about 3 days while eggs only survive around 24 hours. The only way to get pregnant is if the sperm is already in your fallopian tube when the egg is released.

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Q: Can you get pregnemt on the first day of your period?
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Do you start your 28 day count from the first day of a period?

You start counting on the first day of your period.

What begins on the first day of a womens last menstrual period?

The first day of a womans menstrual period is just that - the first day of menstruation.

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About 14 days after the first day of your period is when you are fertile.

Is spotting considered first day of period?

No it is not.. The first day of a full flow is considered the first day of your cycle.NO! because it is just spotting not your real period it might be a sign of your period beginning to approach!

What is considered your first day of your last period if your on birth control Is this considered to be the day after your last pill or the day you actually start bleeding?

The first day of your period, with or without the pill, is the first day of bleeding.

Do you count the first day of your period as the day you start bleeding even if it started in the evening or is the first full day of actual bleeding the first day of your period?

Yes. The day you start bleeding is day 1 of your cycle.

After you start birth control for the first time do you consider spotting the first day of your period or actual flowing the first day?

spotting is the beginning of what will be your period.

What is cosidered the 1st day of a 28 day menstrual cycle the first day of your period or the last?

The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of the menstrual phase - aka first day of the period/menstruation. The menstrual cycle is called this (rather than ovulation cycle) because menstruation is the most noticeable external sign of the cycle.

Explain how many days before or after your period a girl can become pregnant?

From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck. From the first day of your period you are safe.Then two days after your period you are safe.From the third day after your period to twelveth day after your period you are not safe.Your safe period start again from thirteenth day after your period till after your next period.You can draw your mensruation chart to calculate it.Good luck.

If you count your cycle from the day it starts when do you stop counting?

Count from the 1st day of your "Actual" Period From the first day of your last period until your next period, depending on how long your cycle length is. (for example, if your cycle length is 28 days, then the time you start to ovulate is around day 14. but every woman is different). For example, if ur period starts on June 1, then that's Day 1 of ur cycle. The first day of your period is the first day of bleeding, which is the first day of your cycle.

What is counted as the first day of a pregnancy?

It's the first day of your last menstrual period.

Can you Start birth control on the first day of your period?

Yes; if you start birth control on the first day of your period, you'll have immediate protection.