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Yes, you can get pregnant if you have a cysts on your ovaries or your uterus, but it could take a while. If it is a small cyst on your uterus, it should disappear by itself without surgery.

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Q: Can you get pregnant with an cyst?
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Related questions

How will you know if im pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

I can use a pregnancy test to find out if you're pregnant, and a phsyical exam and possibly ulstasound to see if you have a cyst.

If you are pregnant do woman usually get cyst?

When I was pregnant I was told by my doctor that a cyst was present and it is sometimes normal for women to develop cysts in the early stages of pregnancy. The doctor said it was harmless and that they disappear.

What is Tagalog for 'Can you get pregnant if you have an ovarian cyst'?

Tagalog Translation: Maaari ka bang mabuntis kung may cyst ka sa obaryo?

How can you tell if your pregnant or if its a cyst hurting you?

take a pregnancy test or see a doctor...

Missing period not pregnant what else could it be?

Perhaps it is an ovarian cyst? A little stress?

Does cyst prevent pregnancies?

Not always, but certain conditions such as polycycstic ovarian can cause difficulties in becoming pregnant.

What causes round ligament pain if you are not pregnant?

I think I am having round ligament pain on my left side and I am not pregnant. Is this possible? My doctor noticed a cyst on my ovary on the left side.

Do your ovaries hurting mean your pregnant?

It's more likely to be pain related to ovulation or an ovarian cyst. However if you feel you may be pregnant take a home pregnancy test.

Can you get pregnant if you have an ovarian cyst on each ovary?

Yes, you can. It is harder to get pregant if your ovaries have a lot of cysts, but many women have done it!

What is a facetal cyst?

A facetal cyst is a type of cyst that exists in the lumbar spine. This type of cyst is also referred to as a synovial cyst.

Can a cyst on your ovaries stop you from getting pregnant?

Usually one cyst doesnt effect the reproductive organs very much. Cysts effect more than 20% of women of childbearing age. The time they become problematic is if they rupture or twist the ovary. The only time that cysts effect chances of becoming pregnant is when there are an overabundance of them. If there are a lot of them it throws off your hormones, introducing more testosterone and progesterone so that an egg does not get released, and if it does it quickly turns into another cyst.

Is a cyst a pustule?

Cyst can turn out to be a pustule but a pustule cannot be a cyst.