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yes because you can get pregnant while on the pill...

ANS#2: We have very strict control over all of the oral contraceptives we make at my plant. We test them after retention for varying lengths of time and they need to pass the test in order to get an expiration date. If they would last longer than the expiration date, we'd put a later date on them. If we say you can't trust them after a certain time, we mean it.

Pitch them and get your 'scrip re-filled...unless you want a baby.

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Q: Can you get pregnant taking expired birth control pills?
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Do you have to be pregnant to take birth control?

No, you should not be pregnant when taking birth control. Birth control is meant to lower the risk of pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant by taking birth control?

No, birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy. You can become pregnant while on birth control, as no method is 100% effective, but it isn't the birth control that makes you pregnant.

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Yes. You can get pregnant WHILE you are on birth control.

Does stopping taking the pill mess up getting pregnant?

Taking the birth control pill lowers the risk of pregnancy. Not taking the birth control pill does not lower the risk of pregnancy. You are more likely to get pregnant when you are not taking the birth control pill.

Are you more likely to have a miscarriage after birth control?

No, there is no increased rate of miscarriage for women who are pregnant while taking birth control or who get pregnant after stopping birth control.

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No method of birth control is 100% effective.

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There's no benefit from taking birth control when you're 21 weeks pregnant.

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no it will only makes sure you dont get pregnant if you are pregnant and start taking birth control its doing nothing

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birth control increases your chances of not getting pregnant

What happens if you miss a week of taking birth control?

You can get pregnant

Can you skip Birth control the week its predicted to ovulate to get pregnant?

You can't predict the time of ovulation if you're on hormonal birth control. If you want to get pregnant, stop taking birth control.

What should i do if i think im pregnant and still taking my birth control?

take a birth control test immediately and if it is positive then stop taking them and see your doctor to make sure you are pregnant