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Q: Can you get pregnant even if he comes outside of you?
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Can you get pregnant if a guy comes outside of you?

Yes; your chances are lower but it is certainly possible.

Can you be pregnant even if a pregnitcy test and a blood test comes out negative?


What should you do if your boyfriend cheated on you while your pregnant?

ANSWER: I will be hurt and feel betrayed, knowing I am pregnant and he didn't have no decency to wait or even ask me when it comes to his personal needs..

Will a girl be pregnant if she had a sexial intercourse before two days of her menstrual cycle?

You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection.You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection.You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection.You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection.You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection.You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection.

In photosynthesis what comes in from the outside?

sunlight is the substance that comes in from the outside

If your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

How do you know if a toad is pregnant?

Amphibians do not get pregnant, they lay eggs which are fertilised external to their bodies.

What if your man comes inside of you but from behind can you get pregnant?

That happened to me .... your pregnant!

Can you get pregnant 6 days before your period comes?

You can get pregnant when you have your period after, before and even long after you've had sex ... sperm can lay dormant for a long time inside of a women all it needs is warmth ...

Can women get pregnant if fibroids on the outside if uterus?


Can you get pregnant if the guy comes on his jeans and humps you?

That is the only way you can get pregnant.

When did Amanda bynes get pregnant?

She is not even pregnant.