Yes, you can get pregnant any time you have sex.
Typically ovulation occurs two weeks before menstruation, and a woman is fertile for up to a week before ovulation thanks to the presence of fertile cervical mucus that can keep sperm alive in the vagina for up to a week.
Unless a woman uses Fertility Awareness Methods there is no way for her to know when she is fertile or ovulating - because everyone's cycle are different and your individual cycles can change for a number of reasons.
She could absolutly be pregnant!
Yes if you have an average cycle of 28 days, day 13 would put you right at ovulation.
Usually no, but u never know. It can happen. It depends on when u ovulate.
Most pregnancies happen mid-way between your periods. If you know what day your period was due, count back 14 days. It might have happened 13 or 15 days before your period was due.
yes absolutely, the sperm can live for 3 to 5 days
Not for another 13 days! :) according to her period tracker
Neptune has 13 known moons and an orbital period of about 60190 Earth days.
they have sex with a guy and already has their period. that's what makes them pregnant.
Better take a pregnancy test, it is highly likely that you are pregnant.
Yes you will have great chances of becoming pregnant now. It usually takes 3-7 days after stopping birth control to be able to become pregnant.
If the vasectomy was properly done you will not be pregnant. We started haveing sex a week after my vasectomy (Though a longer wait is recommended) and no problems.
Yes i certainly got a positive exactly 13 days after sex no other possible time before i couldve gotten pregnant