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Q: Can you get minecraft on a blackberry playbook tablet?
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Related questions

Is Blackberry Playbook Android or iOS?

It is neither. The Blackberry Playbook is running theBlackBerry Tablet OS.

Can you get minecraft pocket edition on blackberry playbook or htc flyer?

It is disappointing but no.

Is the blackberry playbook an android device?

You guys it's not. Blackberry made it's own tablet they didn't steal Android's creation like the Japanese Tablets. Also if you are looking for a good cheap tablet go to eBay and buy a MID Tablet. They are only 70 dollars. The Blackberry Playbook isn't a Android Device!

When can you get kk for blackberry playbook?

When. Can. We get. Kik on the blackberry PlayBook

Which is better blackberry tablet or google tablet?

A Blackberry Playbook can be rooted and Google Tablet Operating System put on side by side or as a total replacement to the blackberry os. Hardware features of 'google tablets' have a wide range, where as there are only two playbooks available. so measure any google tablets vs. the specs of a playbook. Using a playbook 'factory/out of the box' would limit you to 'blackberry app worlds', some android to blackberry apps, and blackberry os which is slowly evolving out of the market. A playbook hardware is a fine device, so running Android OS is not a bad situation to be in, even better would be an HP Touchpad running Android/Google OS

When was BlackBerry PlayBook created?

BlackBerry PlayBook was created on 2011-04-19.

Do you need a blackberry to use a blackberry playbook?

playbook do not have the native email features and calender, it only works on wifi or u can tether it using a blackberry(only) and can see an enlarged version of ur blackberry, browse the internet, playbook is the only tablet in which tethering is free, u can use internet with the same plan of ur blackberry, If u need it for entertainment purpose, u dont need a blackberry, it has a premium class of hardware

How much does the blackberry playbook cost?

The starting cost for a Blackberry Playbook is 499 US dollars.

Do all blackberry have blackberry messanger?

yes except for the blackberry playbook :-~)

Does the blackberry playbook have to be a contract?

No it does not

Can you get itunes on blackberry playbook?


What is the price of a blackberry?

the price of a blackberry playbook is 250 dollars