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Yes, you can... but you might not. It just depends on the cop. Legally though, you can get into trouble.

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Q: Can you get in trouble with the police for smoking a cigarette if your one day away from being 18?
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Can you get in to trouble for being on someones email?

yes you can get in big trouble with the police

Why is Justin Bieber smoking?

because he is having trouble with his parents being separated

Heavy cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol throughout pregnancy usually increase?

A baby being born with a medical problem.

What should you do if someone near you is smoking a cigarette?

being a x smoker i do respect the addiction of smoking, but it does bother me now the smell i mean so I just get up and move to a different place.

Heavy cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol throughout pregnancy usually increase the likelihood of?

a baby being born with a viral infection

What is the name for fear of cigarettes?

Capnophobia and fumiphobia - The fear of smoking or the air being polluted from people. There is no real scientific name for the fear of an actual cigarette.

Does curiosity encourage people to smoke cigarettes?

Curiosity can lead to cigarette smoking, but it is much more common that peer pressure and advertising make people take their first drag on a cigarette. Seeing others smoking, especially peers who seem popular, has a higher effect than simple curiosity. Being bombarded with print advertising also has a greater effect than simply being curious.

Is being in a smoke filled room for an hour like smoking a cigarette or is it more?

Propely 3-6 smokes depends on what brand on smoke n how strong -Kash

When were cigarettes invented?

In the 1950s there were numerous medical studies being conducted that conclusively linked smoking and lung cancer. The reaction from the public health offices, social awareness agencies and the community led to the cigarette manufacturers response of mass-marketing the filter-tip cigarette. The initiative behind the filter was to screen out tar and nicotine to make cigarette smoking safer. This innovation in the cigarette industry led to the filter tipped cigarettes dominating the market by the 1960s even as they continued to be a specialty item.

Can your roommate and yourself get in any trouble if the cops catch your other roommate and his buddies smoking pot like they do everynight Are you in trouble for being there or it being your house?

Yes, every person in the room can be blamed for illegal drugs. Even if you have nothing to do with them, you are in the room.

Is one piece of tobacco cigarette harmful to the human body?

Every single piece of cigarette that you smoke does more or less some harm to your body. However, what determines how harmful it is is the kind of cigarette and the period you continue smoking it. One cigarette may not be harmful to the body, but as the poison accumulates as you go along smoking. It sure does quite a bit to damage to the well-being of your whole body system. A cigarette contains 599 addictives and has 500 harmful substances out of the 2000(rough amount) ingredients. In the US, death resulted from smoking take up 26% in men and 9% in women. It is up to you to see if you think it is harmful after all I have said. </P>

Will smoking marijuana effect your chances of being on state police or getting a state job?

Yes. Violating state and federal law will do that.