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Yes you can get in the tub when your on your period. You may start to leak a bit in the tub tho.It mainly depends on how heavy your flow is though. If your flow is really heavy i would not advise you to do this because, if your leaking in the water its not going to feel u are suppose to be washing....when you get out of the tub you are going to feel dirty and kind of messy. plus when you get out of the tub if your flow is heavy your going to mess up the have a towel or something ready for when you get out....I am writing this from experience...iit was one of the worst ive had....(Then again you could always wear a tampon when your in the tub so that you wont leak....ok im tired of writing now lol GOODLUCK with your bath hope this helps. :)

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Q: Can you get in the tub when you are on your period?
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No, wait until your period has finished for at least 2 days. Otherwise, there would be blood in the hot tub, especially because heat/warmth makes bleeding heavier. *NOTE: It is not okay to contaminate water in a hot tub with your blood (or urine). The components of blood, urine, or feces is not broken down or flushed away in water that is contained in a hot tub.

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