Your immune system is loaded down right now and a piercing is not going to help it one bit. wait till you are back to normal health before getting anything pierced.
Yes! Mono is contagious - just wait until you are healthy.
Yes, in fact many people have had Mono and never knew it.
The advantage of having the mono rail is its location, success or failure. The disadvantages of the mono rail are its cost in relations to its sponsors...
You can get mono from anyone. It is like any other virus. Chances are you've probably already had mono while you were a child and don't remember it, so the likelihood of you getting it is low.
Possibly mono-symmetrical
The pumpset having Two Section Pump and Motor
Dogs and cats don't spread viral diseases to humans. I've never heard of any dog having mono!
No. Your body is fighting an infection and a serious one at that. Piercing while you are sick let alone fighting Mono is at best a stupid move. You tax the bodies ability to heal by loading it down with another thing to heal. Professional body piercers will not knowingly pierce anyone who is sick or fighting any form of injury, to do so is irresponsible and negligent.
Mono is an STD. It can be transfered by the obvous. But it is called the kissing disease and can be transfered by kissing, or by having blood get into your system, ie. blood from a cut getting into a cut you have
Mono is an STD. It can be transfered by the obvous. But it is called the kissing disease and can be transfered by kissing, or by having blood get into your system, ie. blood from a cut getting into a cut you have
After having mono, it would be best to gradually return to sports rather than jumping all in. The person would need to have had plenty of rest and fluids and be feeling pretty much OK. Even then a doctor should absolutely be consulted.