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Q: Can you get cancer from a hickey?
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Related questions

When did Margaret Hickey die?

Margaret Hickey died in 1 June 2010 of cancer.

When did Herb Hickey die?

Herb Hickey died on May 25, 2002, in Sunland, California, USA of brain cancer.

Is it true that a hickey or love bite can increase the chance of you getting cancer?


Will tanning in a tanning bed worsen a hickey?

First of all, Tanning beds are BAD for your skin. It can make you older, it can make you get wrinkels, it can make you get skin cancer. It will enchance the hickey, to make more NOTICEABLE! Don't do it!

ZWhat is a hickey?

A hickey is a love bite

What is the birth name of Kevin Hickey?

Kevin Hickey's birth name is Hickey, Kevin John.

What is the birth name of Ursula Hickey?

Ursula Hickey's birth name is Ursula Marie Hickey.

What is the birth name of Herb Hickey?

Herb Hickey's birth name is Hickey, Herbert Lee.

What is the birth name of Andrew Hickey?

Andrew Hickey's birth name is Andrew Samuel Hickey Jr..

What do you mean by a love bite?

A love bite is a hickey

Is William Hickey alive?

No, William Hickey is dead.

Are John Benjamin Hickey and William Hickey related?
