under groud water
Well if you were smart enough you would have studied but if you think you flunked the science test talk to a friend or teacher remember what answers you put down on the test if you don't reread the pages.
You could track how the question is answered, leaving all answers as they appear, and categorize the answers by different types.You would have to make an hypothesis as to how you believe people will answer and then test to see if your hypothesis is valid. Test would result from the answers.
There are no answers available for the book caled Test Ready Reading and Vocabulary for grade 3. Checking for answers online is considered cheating. It will become obvious that a person is cheating when they don't understand the material in person.
under groud water
There are several websites that will help you cheat on homework and study assignments. This site is not one of them.
A test were you can look the answers up in your text book.
Why that cheeting
The best way to get the answers to any 6th grade science test is by studying! Listening in class, doing your homework, taking notes, and reading the material also helps you get the answers.
Look at your science book. The answers are in there. I just recently did exactly what you are doing, and the test results are negative.
You may not look in the book your read for the answers.
There is no way to get grade 7 science test papers in Sri Lanka. Generally, test papers and answers are not available online due to the potential for cheating and fraudulent answers.
Unfortunately, answers for Test Ready Reading and Vocabulary are probably not going to be available online. This is because teachers want to prohibit cheating. One will not learn anything from just copying answers from something else.