Absolutely. If the person who surrendered the phone defaults on the loan payments - the phone becomes the property of the pawn shop... Inn which case - they're entitled to unlock the phone from its network and re-sell it to recover the debt.
The are many online sources that tell you how to unlock cell phones. Also asking the pawn shop owner may be a good way to get you cell phone unlocked.
The price one would receive for a Galaxy 3 at a pawn shop will depend on the pawn shop and the condition of the phone. A person may be able to get around $50 for the phone.
Depends if it's broken or not
you have to take it to your network shop
Take it to a phone shop and ask them to do this for you.
You could find one at an antique store or a pawn shop.
i have forget my samsung phone password for gt-c3330 how to unlock?
at a pawn shop
yes get it jail broken aswell only £15 at a a local phone shop
The cast of Pawn Queens - 2010 includes: Tom Brunzelle as Co Pawn Shop Owner Roberta Chung as Pawn Shop Patron Joe DeBartolo as Pawn Shop Patron Shannon Edwards as Browser Darren Elliot Fulsher as Pawn store customer Minda Grabiec as Co Pawn Shop Owner Greg Holloway as Co Pawn Shop Owner Don Kress as Pawn Shop Patron Babs Moran as Babs Nikki Ruehl as Co Pawn Shop Owner
you have to be years old to enter a pawn shop no one knows this answer but if you go to a pawn shop and you are at leat 30 you can find this answer
When i bought mine it was already unlocked, although it says Vodafone on it. If yours isn't unlocked when you buy it, then it still allows you to unlock from the shop. Just go to your nearest phone shop and ask the person to unlock it, it should be unlocked.