lie about youre age
If youre chicken is agressive grab it and carry it under your arm and move around .
Nooo you aree toooooo young trust me,you may think youre ready but yu will regret it the day after youre married,unless youre ready to face the responsibilities such as paying bills,doing taxes,having/raising a child then okayy..but like my opinion personally being one year younger then you is wait till youre at least 18.
Yes, you can, but youre not supposed to.
Yes, but only in certain states.
Yeah When Youre Single Yeah It's Okay But Not If Youre In a Relationship With Someone or Married too someone because it would be considered cheating then
generally only if youre scared of them! theyre quite gentle though
Assuming youre asking about Luka's number as in the number tattoo on her arm, she is 03, or '3'. She is the third official vocaloid released from vocaloid2.
If youre stuck search online for 'tomb raider [whatever game youre playing] walkthrough'.
You have to jailbreak it and then download a cracked version of it.
I actually have one on both... the one on my chest hurt like nothing else! omg.. it was crazy pain.. the one on my ankle really didn't hurt much at all.. depends on if youre getting it on your ankle bone or not though... mines above and I smiled for 3/4ths of it lol
no need, though if youre gonna be a cashier its prefarable to attend college