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I believe so, yes.

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Q: Can you get a tattoo in Oregon at 17 with your parent?
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Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in Oregon?

not true, you have to be 18 without parental consent. if you are a minor in Oregon with parental consent you can get one done. Nowhere. Tattooing minors is illegal in Oregon, even with parental consent. You cant get a tattoo in Oregon as a minor even with parent consent it is still illegal in Oregon

Can a 17 year old get a tattoo in Illinois?

With parent concent

What is the law in Tennessee concerning the act of putting a tattoo on your own minor child if it is done by you the parent a non-licensed tattoo artist?

It would clearly be illegal. No one is allowed to tattoo without a license. And no one may tattoo a minor. There is an exception to cover an existing tattoo where a parent may take a 16 or 17 year old to a tattoo parlor.

Can you get a tattoo in Maine at age 17 with parental consent?

I'm pretty sure you can get a tattoo at any age in any state so long as you have your parent's consent

Is there any tattoo parlors in Minneapolis that will give a 13 year old with out a parent consent?

Yes! I am 17 and have two. There is a place in crystal minnesota called ace tattoo. They do a great job! All you need is your parent.

Is there any tattoo parlors in Virginia that will tattoo a 17 year old with parent consent?

Once you turn 18 yes - prior to that age, no.

When can you get a tattoo in Oregon?

When you are 18.

If you want a tattoo and you are 17 do you just have to have a written note with parental consent or does a parent have to come with you?

It depends on what state you're in.

What does a tattoo outline of Oregon State mean?

you're from Oregon/you love Oregon

Since you are 17 and live in Oregon can you choose which parent to live with?

The judge will take your preference into account in a court situation.

How old do you have to be to see a rated r movie in Salem Oregon?

17 alone any age with parent or guardian.

When can you get a tattoo?

In most tattoo parlors you have to be 18 in order to get a tattoo without parent consent.