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Depends... Only some tattoo parlors allow parental consent. Your legal guardian must be with you along with the legal documents (birth certificate and license) to prove your relationship..... otherwise you have to be 18

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

If your parent comes with you and they bring your birth certificate and their I.D.. then you should have no problem. -Shocker

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Only with parental or guardian consent. Otherwise, no. And you would need to show documentation that states you as being a legal guardian or parent.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

16 w/ parental consent and 18 by yourself.

I don't think a 13 yr old can get a tattoo, at least not in most states.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes you can get a tattoo under eighteen just as long as you have your parents permission:)

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βˆ™ 9y ago

If you're talking about a real ink based tattoo, then no. For these you need to be 18 in the UK, or 21 in the US (In some states). If it's a sticker tattoo, then yes.

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Q: Can you get a tattoo at 14?
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Can a 14 year old get a tattoo in Oklahoma with patent present?

No.... you must be at least 16 and still have a parental consent and have them there when you get your tattoo. But you could go to Texas and get a tattoo at 14 with a parent.

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Pete gave himself his first tattoo when he was 14

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You have to be eighteen or over to get a tattoo.

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Between the age of 14 to 18, there needs to be informed written consent of the parents or guardian of the child to get a tattoo in Idaho.

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Kat learned how to tattoo @ the age of 14 when her friend asked her to tattoo him/her due to her skills of drawing

Im 14 where can you get a tattoo in cheshire?

a simple answer for this one...... nowhere? wait till your 18 to get a tattoo, or else you will regret getting the tattoo, most likely.

How much would a tattoo i want cost?

Depends on who the tattoo artist is and how big the tattoo. If it is color makes a difference. I have 14 and the ran about 250.00 each.

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo with a parental consent in Florida?


What does a tattoo of the number 14 symbolize?

Nuestra Familia.

Can you get a tattoo at the age 14 in Oklahoma with parental supervision?

No, you have to be at least 16 with parental consent..... but you can go to other states such as Texas and they will allow you to get a tattoo at 14 with parental consent.

What tattoo places in scarborough will tattoo 14 year olds?

A seedy biker in the basement of a crackhouse would be my guess.