Yes you can! I implanted on the 7th(according to online calendars and such) and I tested on the 9th and it was positive!
Generally, you cannot get a positive pregnancy test until 2-3 days after implantation occurs.
This is normal
I believe it may take 2-5 days in order to allow the pregnancy hormones to build up to a level where they can be detected by a home pregnancy test. Having said that, I took a pregnancy test within hours of having an implantation bleed with my son and it appeared positive within seconds!
7 days after implantation it is possible to show positive on a pregnancy test. If it's negative, wait a few days and test again.
A pregnancy test typically shows a positive result about 7-10 days after implantation occurs in the uterus, which is usually around 6-12 days after fertilization. It is best to wait until you have missed your period to get an accurate result.
After 16 days of ovulation a pregnancy test be positive.
I think that you can take a test now
No. Implantation does not always cause bleeding, a late period with a positive pregnancy test is the only way to be sure "implantation" or pregnancy has occurred.
I did. I got suddenly sick the night of implantation. After i threw up i felt fine and full of energy. Took a pregnancy test and was negative, 3 days later it was positive. Good luck!
It can take about 6-12 days after implantation for a pregnancy test to detect the pregnancy hormone hCG in urine. However, for more accurate results, it's recommended to wait until after you miss your period to take a pregnancy test.
You're more likely to get a positive test result after implantation bleeding, because the pregnancy hormones go up and up each day during the first trimester, and the higher the levels of the hormone, the more reliable the test will be
10 to 14 days. However, it isn't conception that matters. It's implantation.