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yeah some do, but others make your parents sign a kind of contract saying that if you cant pay it then they will. (:

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Q: Can you get a contract phone at 16?
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Can children get a contract phone?

Not on their own ! Legally (at least in the UK) you cannot sign a contract for anything under the age of 16. Anyone under 16 would need an adult to sign the contract (and thus the adult would be responsible for the bill !)

Should you buy a non contract phone or a contract phone?

It is up to you. A contract means you can get the phone for free, and get a new one when the contract renews. Non contract is when you have to buy the phone up front and put a PAYG sim in it

What do you need to buy a phone from t-mobile?

You going to sign a contract or no contract? For a contract to get your phone cheaper you will have to do a credit check.

Is there any way how to get out of Vodafone phone contract?

You can usually 'buy yourself out' of any mobile phone contract - by paying for the unused months. For example - say you're paying 20.00 a month on a 2 year contract - and you want out at month 16. That leaves 8 months unused - which would be 160.00 to pay.

Can you get a prepaid cell phone if you are under age 18?

Not legally. Often, the contract is held in the name of a parent, but this can be transferred after age 16.

Can you put your contract sim in another phone and carry on with the same contract until the contract expires?

YES; as long as the SIM works in that phone.

Do you need a contract to get a phone?

No, you don't need a contract. You can get a pre-paid phone which means no contract/monthly phone bill, but it depends what you mean by "getting a phone". If you already have a contract and just need a new phone than u can just buy a phone but you will have to pay full price for it unless you have upgrades. If you're a new client than yes you would either have to sign a contract or you could just get a pre-paid phone.

How old do you be to have a contract phone?

You would need to be at the age in which you can be entered into a legally binding contract. In the United States, that age is eighteen.

Can a 14 year old buy a phone from metro pcs since it doesn't require a contract being signed?

Nope, from there, at least 16

Can you use a regular alltel phone on an alltel prepaid plan?

If I had an contract plan with alltel and i cancelled the contract can i use the phone as a prepaid phone

How can you unlok phone free?

Most phone companies will charge you if you want to unlock your phone before your contract with them runs out. It has been part of the contract

How do you break a cell phone contract?

get a different phone