No. HPV is sexually transmitted. It is not transmitted by casual contact or by sharing linens.
Yes, it is possible.
It is very unlikely that sharing a bathing suit will transmit HD TV.
HPV is usually passed by some sort of sexual contact. A person needs to either have sex with someone who has the virus or have some sort of skin to skin contact with the area (warts). A person can NOT get HPV from sitting on a toilet seat, shower, sharing drinks or food, a pool, etc. Check out this site for more information on HPV:
You can't get HIV from sharing a glass of wine. HPV is not transmitted in saliva.
You can't get HIV AIDS from using the same bathroom.
Yes. From saliva . And razors, if they have blood on them.HIV is rarely, if ever transmitted by saliva that has been exposed to the air. and not in direct contact with an open mucous membrane.
HPV is passed on through genital contact-most often during vaginal and anal sex. HPV may also be passed on during oral sex. Since HPV usually causes no symptoms, most men and women can get HPV-and pass it on-without realizing it. People can have HPV even if years have passed since they had sex. Even men with only one lifetime sex partner can get HPV.
You can not get HPV from centipedes.
HPV is not in your blood.
No, once you get HPV you have it forever. You get HPV from intercourse or other skin-to-skin contact. HPV has nothing to do with smoking.
These sexually-transmitted HPV viruses are spread through contact with infected genital skin, mucous membranes, or bodily fluids, and can be passed through intercourse and oral sex. HPV can infect skin not normally covered by a condom, so using a condom does not fully protect you from the virus. Also, many people don't realize they're infected with HPV and may have no symptoms, so neither sexual partner may realize that the virus is being spread.
HPV is short for Human Papilloma Virus. In that sense, HPV is the nickname.