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Q: Can you gain weight overnight without eating or drinking anything?
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How do you negotiate with hunger without eating nor drinking something?

You might be able to negotiate with hunger without eating or drinking anything by doing something active. When you are hungry, simply walk away from the area where food is placed. Try taking a little jog or walking the dog or watching TV to distract yourself.

Do you typically warm up your overnight oats before eating them?

No, overnight oats are typically eaten cold without being warmed up.

Can drinking too much milk make you fat?

Eating or drinking to much of most anything can make you fat.

How long can a cockroach live whit out eating?

3 months without eating food and 1 month without drinking water.

How do you feel full without eating?

Either by drinking milk or water

Does drinking water have any effect on your fasting blood test?

No. Drinking water is fine. In most cases you will fast overnight, eating nothing and drinking nothing but water after your evening meal and in the morning before your blood is drawn.

Which animal remain live with out eating or drinking anything about 2 to 3 year?

a koala

What is the effect of drinking water in the morning before eating anything?

helps with bowel movements

What is it called when a bear spends the winter without eating or drinking?

That is called hibernation.

How long can a 3-month-old baby safely go without eating overnight?

A 3-month-old baby can safely go without eating overnight for about 6-8 hours. It is important to feed the baby regularly during the day to ensure they are getting enough nutrition.

What is poor eating habit?

Not eating enough veggies and fruits, eating too much sugar, eating anything with high fructose corn syrup in it, not drinking enough water, etc.

Who started lent?

Jesus. He went in the wilderness for 47 days without eating or drinking.