Let the water drain out of it. Then let it dry out for 3 or 4 days and hope it works. It all depends on how much water got into the phone. If you are able to open it up it will speed up the drying time.
Electronics in general are "ruined" once they fall in water. Try the link Fix a cell phone that fell into water.
you die
just blow drie it
Depends how it got there in the first place. Did the phone fall in a bucket full of rubbing alcohol? or were you cleaning it and it accidentally fell in? if it fell in the bucket, sorry, there is no fix. but if it accidentally fell in ( a couple of drops ) then shake the phone, holding it firmly (you dont want it flying out of your hand ) and blow air in any opening you see. hopefully the alcohol will come out. i highly doubt it, because the alcohol, can severely damage internal phones. Hope this helps!
The question can not be answered until you disclose the reason it fell.
I do not think that you can fix them. If the keypad isn't responding then you will have to take it to a local mobile phone shop, or your supplier.
First and the best option available is to call the service centre to check your cell phone for issues and fix your phone. Second is to sell your old and used business phone to Telecom vendors and get a fair amount of money in return.
The battery is water-logged, but the sim card may be alright. As for the memorycard, you can't fix it. Try taking it to the place you bought the phone, or look for a verizon, sprint, nextel, att&t, Tmobile, etc. Try looking for the provider of the phone. hope this helps!!!
yes somtimes i would prolly say it would 99% of the time
After any electronic device falls in water, it's pretty much dead. Thanks for using answers.com!