No the touch screen movement will be disfigured near the crack. You can send it to apple but it will cost you.
Optical Discs
In past participle sentences, "cracked" is used to indicate that something has been broken or damaged. For example: "The mirror was cracked" or "She found a cracked egg in the carton." is the best for buying cheap blu ray discs. you can buy used blu ray discs and movies. you can also look on ebay for cheap used blu ray movies, disc.
in clutch discs
HiMD discs can only be used in Sony HiMD recorders. The multi-track discs that were used by Yamaha and Sony are 140 MB in capacity and only available from HHB.
No it does not, many discs can be cheaply replaced with used games rather than trying to repair them
Sanding discs are power tools used for sanding plastics, woods and sometimes even metal, to make them smoother. It is made up of sandpaper on a rotating disc.
Optical Discs
CDG discs are used in Karaoke. Specifically, while the CDG disc is being played, the lyrics of the song will be displayed on-screen. This technology was developed in 1985.
Cracked pepper is whole peppercorns that have been cracked or crushed into coarse pieces. It is used in cooking to add a bold and spicy flavor to dishes. Chefs often use cracked pepper to season meats, salads, soups, and other dishes to enhance their taste.
The new iPod touch's now use Flash memory, which the Xbox cannot read via its USB ports. The older iPods used normal hard discs, which it can read.
Depends. If it is barely used, then it is great but will be cheaper. If you just want it for functionality, as long as all the features work and the screen isn't cracked it's fine. Otherwise, there may be scratches/scuffs on the front and back.