It CAN be done with any gun which uses modern cartridges (which are sealed), but it is EXTREMELY dangerous to do, and absolutely SHOULD NOT be done. Attempting it may result in injury or death to the firer.
Yes, there are some guns designed to do that.
yah because it contains saltpeter which releases oxygen when ignites. I have my doubts but you can fire a gun underwater. But don't try it as it could explode the gun barrel. And if it doesn't rupture the gun the first time you try it, then it could explode the next time you fire it even out of water.
light a match underwater and let it burn
yes. the gun will shoot but the bullet will not go to far due to the friction.
Maybe. Most will fire underwater- the cartridge contains powder that does not need air to burn. Some guns may even fire safely underwater- not all can (water blocks barrel). However, the resistance of the water limits the distance the bullet will travel to a few ft. The military of several countries have experimented with building an "underwater" gun" that had rather iffy success. There IS one specialized type of gun used underwater- called a "Bangstick". This is a long metal rod with one cartridge in a holder at the tip. Used as a last defense against sharks, when shoved hard against a shark, the cartridge fires. The bullet hits the shark, but more damage is done by the gasses generated by the cartridge firing, being blown into the shark.
yes they can
A Fire Arm is a gun
you shoot and arrow because if you notice you fire a gun it involves fire comming from gun powder. there is no fire when you shoot an arrow
Take it to a gun smith.
by taking a gun that is made for underwater and shot the gun and the bullet will go in it and kill the killer whale
This is the ammunition the gun is designed to fire, it is not hard on the gun.