Yes, you can fire a .357 Sig round (not a .357 Magnum) in it, but you must first change out the .40 barrel for the .357 barrel.
There's only one shot per round with any gun. As for the P226, the 9mm holds 15 rounds, while the .40 and .357 Sig models hold 12.
357 sig is a cartridge that is a relatively high speed handgun round. It is not a pistol itself, many, many pistols are chambered for this cartiridge.
If the weapon is chambered in 357 Magnum, you can fire the round in it.
No - neither a semi-automatic .357 Magnum nor a semi-automatic .357 Sig will. .357 Magnum revolvers can fire .38 Special rounds because 1: they feed from a cylinder which can accommodate the shorter .38 Special round and 2: unlike a firearm with a chamber, the cylinders in a revolver do not need to be headspaced.
There are a very few semi-auto pistols that shoot .357 magnum (not .357 Sig). While they will fire .38 Special, it is as a single shot- they will not cycle the action.
No. .38 Long Colt was the forerunner to .38 Special- and was originally a black powder cartridge. The .38 Special is more powerful- the .357 magnum is MUCH more powerful. Neither the Special nor the magnum should be fired in a gun chambered for .38 Long Colt. This is VERY dangerous.
SiG P229 in 357
It's not the best to everyone. If someone told you it is the best, that was an opinion. It may be many people's favorite. I like SIG Sauer's just fine, but there are many other brands and calibers out there. It depends on what the use of a gun is.This pistol is good if you want a full sized pistol that holds a decent amount of rounds. It is designed to hold 12 in the magazine. In California and some states citizens are limited to 10 round magazines.This caliber is interesting because it started out with the .40 S&W case and necked it down and uses a 9mm bullet. It is not similar to the .357 magnum, mostly chambered in revolvers. It is a fast bullet as far as semiautomatic pistols go.The sig does not make a 357 magnum in a semi auto, they do however make a pistol chambered for the 357 sig caliber. There are only two manufacturers, to my knowledge, that make a semi auto chambered for a 357 mag, Coonan Arms and Magnum Research Desert Eagle, all other 357 mags are either revolver or rifle.
a 357 cal. revolver cartridge WILL fit a colt 357 python. Also, a 38 special will fit a 357 cal. python. The 357 sig cartridge will NOT fit a 357 colt python................ The 357 sig cartridge ONLY fits the sig model pistol For clarity.....the sig 357 is a pistol. But, the 357 python is a revolver................
No. You can only safely fire the correct caliber from each handgun. For instance, for a .40 caliber handgun, you can only fire .40 ammunition. There are some minor exceptions, mostly in revolvers. For instance, you can fire .38 special or .357 magnum from a revolver that will fire .357 magnum, but not the other way around.