i felt hungry most of the time, and also feel like doing vomitting.
Implantation typically occurs 6-10 days after embryo transfer. This is when the embryo attaches to the uterine lining and begins to establish a pregnancy. Symptoms of implantation such as light cramping or spotting may be experienced during this time.
No, that is impossible
I really wouldn't like to say either way. In my opinion if it was a negative pregnancy you wouldn't be experiencing any symptoms at all. Buts its very possible the discomfort you have is from the embryo transfer. Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts.
Its different in every woman. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms a few days after conception but usually its when the embryo has implanted and starts releasing HCG.
The brown colour means that it is not fresh blood. It could be from implantation 4 - 7 days after embryo transfer or from an implanted embryo releasing from the uterine wall, more recently. More than one embryo was transferred. Don't stop taking the prescribed medication until a blood test confrims that there is no pregnancy.
most likely you are pregnate
Yes it can. You need to wait, I'd say at least 12 days.
About two or three days
An hCG level of less than 5mIU/ml is considered negative for pregnancy, and anything above 25mIU/ml is considered positive for pregnancy.
It takes 7-10 days for the fertilized embryo to implant in the uterus and another few days for HCG to build up enough to get a +HPT. At 4 days past ovulation it is impossible to feel pregnancy symptoms
Those symptoms are not likely to be pregnancy related 5 days post ovulation, since even if the ovum was fertilized - it is very unlikely to have implanted in the uterine lining yet (or is just begun to implant) - so technically you would not yet be pregnant. While the cause of many of the symptoms of pregnancy are not well understood, they are most likely a result of hormonal changes that begin in the days after the blastocyst implants and is considered an embryo.
An embryo can last for about 5-7 days after fertilization before it implants into the uterus. After implantation, the embryo continues to develop into a fetus throughout pregnancy.