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If you mean menopause, in theory no. But I wouldn't bet on it. Make sure he uses a condom. There are communicable diseases too. Also menopausal women are dry and a condom may help. Remember: menopause is when you have not had a period for more than 12 months.

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Q: Can you fall pregnant after period ends?
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Can you get pregnant the same week your period ends?

Yes you can get pregnant the same time your period ends. You can even get pregnant while you are on your period

If you get pregnant during your period will your period stop immediately?

you really can't get pregnant during your period. Your period happens because you didn't get pregnant. Ovulation is when you get pregnant and it happens about two weeks after your period ends.

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Is pregnancy possible a day after period ends?

It is even possible to get pregnant on your period.

Can you get pregnant sixteen days after your period ends?

Nope. In general, you can only get pregnant if you are ovulating.

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Can you get pregnant using a condom the day after your period ends?

Doubly unlikely.

Can you get pregnant the day after your period ends if you have a 28 day cycle and a 7 day period?

Yes! Congratulations... Or not...

Can you fall pregnant after a miscarriage without having your next period?

Oh yes, you can get pregnant right away after.

Do you get pregnant 28 days after the first day of you last period or the last day?

Neither, about a week after your period ends is normal.

Can you fall pregnant day 5 of my period?

It's biologically impossible to fall pregnant during menstruation, you can however become pregnant as a result of sex during your period as sperm can live up to a week, by which time you may ovulate. Unless you want to become pregnant you should always use birth control.