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Yes, you just need to rinse your mouth out with listerine after every time you eat anything with a new piercing like the lip, marylin monroe piercing, labret, or tounge.

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What do you eat after you got your lip pierced?

you have to wait 2 hours before you eat anything if you have your lip pierced.

Does your lip come up when you pierced your lip?

Different people's bodies react differently, but yes, your lip can swell after getting it pierced.

Can you hit a vain getting your lip pierced?

yes if you are getting pierced by an inexperienced piercer or you do it yourself even worst you can paralyze your face

How bad is the pain of getting your lip pierced?

A Slight sting!

Is getting your lip pierced a bad idea?

That is a matter of opinion.

Can you eat chili when your lip is pierced?

Yeah, sounds good (:

What happens if a pierced lip swells up five days after getting it pierced?

It means it's infected!

What is the significance of getting your lip pierced?

You look better and earn respect .

How long without diary if you get your lip pierced?

you can have dairy as long as right after you rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash or salt water.

How long will lip be swollen after getting it pierced?

anywhere from 7-10 days.

Do you have to take out lip piercing when getting your tongue done?

Nope, i've had my tongue pierced, and i didn't have to take my lip piercing out.

How long after getting your lip pierced do you have to wait to go swimming in a lake?

2 weeks