No. root beer will just give u a sugar rush lol. :D
Root Beer is a soft drink.
Non-Alcoholic beer has most of the alcohol removed but not all. There is still enough alcohol left in so that if you drink enough of them, you will get drunk.
Non-Alcoholic Beer has alcohol in it. It is not truly "non"-alcoholic. If you are an alcoholic and you are using one of the abstinence methods to try to recover (such as AA) then, NO, non-alcoholic beer would NOT be safe because it has alcohol in it and consuming alcohol would break the abstinence from alcohol.
Either the person wants to stay sober or s/he does not. If the person drinks non-alcoholic beer, s/he is not staying sober.
Yes, non-Alcoholic Beverages, such as overly sweetend soft drinks (and many other sugary drinks), when consumed on a regular basis, increase the risk of Diabetes and obesity, among other things.
You can.
Do not drink alcohol while taking doxycycline.
You are advised not to drink alcohol while taking Celexa.
there is non-alcoholic beer??? that's isn't even beer!!! If it isn't beer, it is not called Non-alcoholic beer. It is called Root Beer, which is a soft drink, or something else. Non-alcoholic beer has MOST of the alcohol removed, but NOT ALL. There is still some alcohol left in it so, if you drink enough you can still get drunk.
Heineken is a brand of beer, which is an alcoholic beverage.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist
i am and i'm still living
Yes, a person can drink beer while taking the antibiotic Augmentin. However, there could be side effects to occur. Always speak with your doctor if you are concerned about any medicines.