No, an iphone is a cell phone that has speakers and you can text on and make phone calls. An ipod touch is an ipod. It is meant for listening to music but, most people who own an ipod touch mostly play games on it. But, an ipod touch you can download apps that you can text people on but the 2g ipod touch it doesn't have speakers. So, if you have an ipod touch you can't download an app that makes free calls because ipod touchs don't have speakers. But, iphone can do alot more than ipod touchs.
With iPod Touch speakers, you can turn your iPod into a sound system quickly. These speakers are designed specifically for the iPod Touch, so the output quality matches up with your iPod Touch. The speakers are also portable, allowing you to carry the speakers with you in a compact fashion. Turn any situation into an impromptu party or listening session with your iPod Touch and your iPod speakers!
the 2nd generation ipod touch has built in speakers so you do not need head phones. If you have any questions on the ipod touch contact me, Iexpert
No, you cannot visibly see the speakers. The speakers are set internally in the hardware of the iPod.
No the iPod Classic doesn't have built in speakers. The latest model of the iPod Nano does though!
You are able to use mp3 player speakers with your IPOD. You need to make sure they are universal, which most are. Some people find that IPOD speakers do produce better sound quality with your IPOD.
if you have a iPOD you can download it on itunes if you have a iPOD you can download it on itunes
The iPod is one of the most popular MP3 players that is on the market today. In addition to the iPod itself, there are many accessories available to complement it. iPod Speakers are one of the most frequently purchased iPod accessories. These speakers vary in price, size and are usually portable. Often times, iPod Speakers are incorporate into a charging dock and also include an alarm clock.
You can buy speakers for an iPod touch at any place that sells the iPod touch such as Best buy, Wal-Mart or even the Apple stores You can also look on their web sites to buy speakers for an iPod touch
There are a lot of good portable speakers for your iPod. They range in price from $30.00 to $200.00 depending on there quality. I have found that you can get very good portable speakers for the iPod at Wal-Mart, and Kmart, I also found these at Target. iMainGo2 Portable Speakers for iPod (08BWB02) with Carrying Case for $33.19
iPod speakers can be purchased at Amazon, Target, the Apple store, or Best Buy. For the best deals on iPod speakers, please check out Amazon. Normally you can get them for cheap (new or used).
Well it all depends on the generation of the ipod touch that you are talking about. If you are talking about the 1st gen ipod touch then the answer is no it does not have speakers built in, but the 2nd gen has the speakers built in. I hope i answered your question.