there isn't a sa2b for PC unless u download a gamecube emulator and the ROM
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After your chao has reincarnated twice or more, give it EVERY ANIMAL IN THE GAME and NO CHAOS DRIVES. All of the animals are:PenguinOtterSealPeacockCondor (SA2B only)ParrotSwallow (SADX only)Boar (SA2B only)Rabbit Deer (SADX only)Kangaroo (SADX only)Cheetah (SA2B only)Tiger (SA2B only)GorillaElephant (SADX only)Lion (SADX only)Bear (SA2B only)SkunkMole (SADX only)Koala (SADX only)Ram (SA2B only)Raccoon (SA2B only)Unicorn (SA2B only)Dragon (SA2B only)Pheonix (SA2B only)Bat (SA2B only)Sea Monster (SA2B only)Skeleton Dog (SA2B only)Give it the animals of the game it's onMake sure you raise it to be neutralI recommend making a check-list so that you ensure that it works. If you have any difficulties in making a chaos chao, feel free to message me as I have some chaos chao (eight to be exact) so I should be able to help. - Raiwolf
You can download Samsung PC Studio 3. Samsung offers "Samsung PC Studio 3" on their website available for download from their website. This is a way to download Samsung PC Studio 3.
There is no dragonvale for PC
Download information to your computer
After your chao has reincarnated twice or more, give it EVERY ANIMAL IN THE GAME and NO CHAOS DRIVES. All of the animals are:PenguinOtterSealPeacockCondor (SA2B only)Parrot Swallow (SADX only)Boar (SA2B only)Rabbit Deer (SADX only)Kangaroo (SADX only)Cheetah (SA2B only)Tiger (SA2B only)GorillaElephant (SADX only)Lion (SADX only)Bear (SA2B only)SkunkMole (SADX only)Koala (SADX only)Ram (SA2B only)Raccoon (SA2B only)Unicorn (SA2B only)Dragon (SA2B only)Pheonix (SA2B only)Bat (SA2B only)Sea Monster (SA2B only)Skeleton Dog (SA2B only)Give it the animals of the game it's onRaise it this way with dark characters (Shadow, Rouge, Eggman) if you're on SA2BRaise it this way whilst only feeding it dark fruit if you're on SADXI recommend making a check-list so that you ensure that it works. If you have any difficulties in making a chaos chao, feel free to message me as I have some chaos chao (eight to be exact) so I should be able to help. - Raiwolf
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