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it depends on how much you take. marijuana and alcohol are both depressents so will slow your mecanism (however you spell it) and you wont really feel affected by either of them. If you take alot of alcohol and marijuana then you can get dangerously ill, and end up in hospital. i dont think you can die but you can get seriously ill. if i were you, i would take weed, because its funner and its different. but, if you want to keep on the safe side, take alcohol, its legal;) haha. but seriously dont take both, unless you're near a hospital:D hope i helped.

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Q: Can you die from mixing marijuana and alcohol?
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Marijuana can be mixed with various herbs (such as lavender or chamomile) to enhance flavor and effects. It can also be mixed with tobacco in a joint or infused into oils, butter, or alcohol for cooking or baking. However, it is important to be mindful of health risks associated with mixing marijuana with substances like tobacco.

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Is it alcohol to water or water to alcohol upon mixing?

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About 500 people.